Monthly Archives

February 2024

  • Traveling abroad is an exciting adventure, but safety should always be a top priority. Whether you’re exploring bustling cities or remote destinations, knowing how to protect yourself from potential threats is crucial. As someone who’s traveled extensively and lived abroad, I’ve learned a lot about staying safe during my journeys, especially thanks to my husband, a retired FBI agent with 26 years of experience.In this guide, we’ll cover the most important safe travel tips you …

  • As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become obsessed with being healthy and fit. Or maybe I should say, I’ve become obsessed with reading about being healthy and fit. Yeah, I’m that girl that lays in my bed drinking my morning coffee while watching other people work out on Instagram.  I’ve long read about how to determine my biological age, but was never willing to spring for the price tag to get it done. So this past …

  • True confession: I’m not a big fan of mega cruises, (you might remember how much fun I had on a 24-person schooner) but in my never-ending quest to check more countries off of my “been there” list, I let friends convince me to accompany them on a South American cruise aboard a Regent Seven Seas cruise. Chile (Patagonia to be specific) was the only South American country I had visited so the opportunity to pop …

  • Caring for an elderly parent can be one of the most rewarding yet challenging responsibilities. As I learned firsthand while caring for my mother, this role comes with emotional, physical, and financial demands. I hope sharing my experience will provide guidance to others navigating the path of caregiving for elderly parents, especially those planning to care for them at home. Finding a caregiver for an elderly parent can bring new emotions and a new set …

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