Following a bout with the dreaded Covid, I was feeling really sluggish so I went to visit my functional health medicine doctor at the Mayo Clinic. My chief complaint was feeling tired all the time, but also some recent stubborn weight gain (could be menopause, could be all those pandemic hot dogs). His prescription? The Prolon Fasting Mimicking Diet (Prolo FMD). He said that he and his wife do it four times a year just …
File this under “Things I’m not proud of but sharing in the interest of my fellow (wo)man”. I think of it as me taking one for the team, the I-want-to-look-younger team. You might think 2020 is a cluster of a year, but 2019 was my year of the personal crisis. I always felt pretty good about myself. I ate well, exercised (sometimes), took care of my skin (sometimes), and did not feel my ripe old …
I’m a foodie and beef is my comfort food. There. I said it. BUT, as a volunteer with the ASPCA and a HUGE animal advocate, I’ve learned so much about commercial farming practices that I’ve decided to eliminate, or seriously stem, animal products from my diet. So I wanted to share some of my insights with you about raising animals for food and eliminating meat from your diet. I’ll stop short of saying I’m going …
Do nighttime routines work? Sleep is more than just a time for your body to rest. This is the time when your bodily functions are actually pressing their own reset button. All of your systems slow down and your muscles and organs work to repair and restore themselves. So it’s important that you have a bedtime routine to prepare your body for all this work it has to do while you’re sleeping. Just make yourself …
It’s heartbreaking to think about all the animals sitting in shelters these days, especially due to overcrowding. But there are some ways you can help homeless animals and brighten their day. If you’re shopping, consider picking up some discounted pet toys and donate them to your local animal shelter. You don’t even have to make a special shopping trip – just grab some pet toys on sale at your grocery store, big box store, or …
After the laborious, and quite frankly, sad, task of cleaning out my mother’s home when she passed away, it got me thinking about all of my own stuff and how to alleviate this burden for my own children. My mother’s aneurysm incapacitated her quickly which meant she had no time to “get her affairs in order.” So dealing with disorganization in the midst of downsizing was challenging. If you’re facing that daunting task of decluttering …