Wellness & Aging

  • Mo dog Bella was diagnosed with osteosarcoma and that began my fierce search to extend her life as long as I could. I started with a search for easy homemade dog food recipes and came up with my own concoction. The vet had given her three months to live, but she lived three years! I like to think it was my homemade dog food that helped give her more days with us. Bella was a …

  • In my never-ending anti-aging quest, I‘m becoming more and more dependent on my esthetician. I’m always tapping her for the best skincare products for over 50 and double-duty products. I recently asked my esthetician about some dermatologist recommended skin care products for aging skin and asked about the tips and tricks to having youthful skin, so I thought I’d share them here. I like to read magazines on the beach and I’m always turning down the …

  • Being a Caregiver in a Time of COVID: The tragedy that’s happening inside, and outside, of our nursing homes I haven’t seen my mother since February 18. As her primary caregiver, I used to see her every day. Not just to visit. But to feed her. And wash her face, and brush her hair, and to let her know she was loved through eye contact and hugs. But COVID-19 changed that. There’s a serious situation …

  • I’m generally a homebody but being forced to stay home during this pandemic has given me an impetus to simplify my life. With my gym closed (and the push-pull to get myself there), I start each day with a long walk, WITHOUT my phone. I use that time to just think, solve problems, and plan my day. It’s my form of meditation. I’ve found that by giving up some of my extraneous routines and focusing …

  • I’ve been planning my retirement home for several years. Once the kids left home, my husband and I became a bit nomadic and moved around several times as he explored second careers after his first retirement from the government. We generally lived in small apartments knowing that it was just a temporary home. So I dreamed of having a great forever home. I spent countless hours with home magazines and on Pinterest and decided to …

  • My mom is in a long-term care facility. My brothers and I are used to seeing her virtually every day. I have not seen her since February. This pandemic is real. It’s serious. And yes, residents of these facilities are at the greatest risk.  But there are some smart, safe ways to end the lockdown at long-term care facilities and allow us to see our loved ones. Residents of these facilities may not understand why …

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