Wellness & Aging

  • It seems like as soon as everyone hits the age of 50, that ‘r’ word comes a calling. It’s funny but when I hear the word “retirement,” I instantly think of my grandparents. I guess I was 10 and they were 50ish. But today’s retirement is SO much different. We don’t quit working and sit on the porch in a rocking chair til we kick the bucket. Nope. Today’s retirement lifestyles are very active. And …

  • My mom uses cannabis oil. So does my daughter. I guess that makes me the sandwich generation of weed. My mom is 82 years old and suffered a stroke 18 months ago. She has significant deficits including aphasia which have left her unable to communicate. Until recently, her days were spent crying uncontrollably with no explanation. That is, until I introduced her to cannabis oil and got her stoned.  My young adult daughter introduced herself …

  • I’ve had a revelation after living in California for just one week. I am an old fart. It all started with the spectacle that is the original Muscle Beach near the Santa Monica Pier. I watched dozens of scantily-clad Millennials doing what appeared to be cheerleading pyramids, ice dancing lifts and just some other weird shit. Turns out, according to my Millennial son, it’s acro-yoga. And I thought I was pretty up on all health …

  • California Girl

    by Beth Graham

    Wow! July promises to be a pretty exciting month for me! Let’s see…it’s my birthday and what better way to celebrate than to embrace my free spirit and addiction to adventure than to move to California! Yup! The hubs got a new job so we’re headed to LA for more empty nest fun (Santa Monica to be precise). I’ve been an East Coast girl most of my life – or at least my adult life …

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