It should be no secret to you by now that I seek out the most enticing and unique dining experiences when I travel. From fun cooking classes to decadent food tours to high-end wine tastings, these are the things that make my trips so memorable. For foodies, these experiences aren’t just about the meal; it’s about the atmosphere, the story, and the experience – and the people you meet along the way. Around the globe, …
Culinary Travel
For traveling foodies, there’s no better destination than Italy. (Prove me wrong.) I lived in Milan for three years and traveled throughout the country in search of amazing food and wine – and I continue to go back every year. Because I can never get enough pasta and wine. I’ve written about different destinations within Italy including my favorite winery in Umbria and a great food and olive oil tasting in Capri. Italy is a …
I get asked this a lot. “Where’s your favorite place?” “What’s the best place you’ve been?” I thought I’d tell you about the places I’ve been that left a lasting impression. That’s actually a bit misleading. I LOVE everywhere I go. Because I love to travel and I find something interesting or memorable in every destination. But the trip that stands out the most to me was when I was my trip to Jordan. Where …
I’m an adventure traveler. Or I should say a foodie adventure traveler. I love exploring new places through the food. So when I was invited to spend a week at a cooking school in France, I jumped at the opportunity. I’d be learning classic cooking techniques at this French cooking class, including all those classic French mother sauces, along with exploring the local foods and wines of the region. And in true empty nest style, …
What would you expect to find in a town with 400 Asian restaurants and just 210,000 people, 65% of Asian descent? You’d find some of the best Chinese food this side of, well, China. Richmond, a suburb of Vancouver, is home to a large population of Asians who settled here in the late 1970s (they translated Richmond to “Rich Man”) and opened restaurants because they missed their food from home. So how does a small …
I FINALLY made it to Capri! I’ve spent a lot of time in Italy but never made it to the Amalfi Coast or Capri (shameful, I know). So after our recent Windstar Cruise from Barcelona to Rome, we decided to tack on a few days and visit Capri. We had one experience on Capri that was truly the highlight of our 2-week European trip. You’ll have to read on to learn what it is – …