

  • As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become obsessed with being healthy and fit. Or maybe I should say, I’ve become obsessed with reading about being healthy and fit. Yeah, I’m that girl that lays in my bed drinking my morning coffee while watching other people work out on Instagram.  I’ve long read about how to determine my biological age, but was never willing to spring for the price tag to get it done. So this past …

  • It’s taken me a long time to write this post. I generally write about happy things – mainly my happy places. But writing is therapy for me. So as difficult as this is, my mother’s story needs to be told. So many people are looking for help with aging parents and I was quite suddenly, thrown into this mix. Often, when I’m writing a blog post, I talk into a recorder and tell a story …

  • In my never-ending anti-aging quest, I‘m becoming more and more dependent on my esthetician. I’m always tapping her for the best skincare products for over 50 and double-duty products. I recently asked my esthetician about some dermatologist recommended skin care products for aging skin and asked about the tips and tricks to having youthful skin, so I thought I’d share them here. I like to read magazines on the beach and I’m always turning down the …

  • File this under “Things I’m not proud of but sharing in the interest of my fellow (wo)man”.  I think of it as me taking one for the team, the I-want-to-look-younger team. You might think 2020 is a cluster of a year, but 2019 was my year of the personal crisis. I always felt pretty good about myself. I ate well, exercised (sometimes), took care of my skin (sometimes), and did not feel my ripe old …

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