Packing essentials you need to stay healthy when you travel
Boy how my packing has changed since those COVID days! I used to travel so much that I kept a “go bag” of my essentials that never changed. I just threw it in my suitcase each time I packed. I had a minimal travel medical kit. But getting (very) sick overseas has changed the way I pack now. My new travel packing list includes some just-in-case and must-haves, you know, just in case I need those creature comforts of home.
What I keep in my travel medical kit
1. Wipes and hand-sanitizers are rather obvious. It’s important to choose those with at least 60% alcohol content, but I tend to go for higher. I take wipes for my hands, but also take an extra pack along to wipe down my room and other surfaces. I keep a smaller travel medical kit with these items in my handbag or backpack as well.
2. So let’s talk about that first aid kit. It used to be just bandages, pain reliever, anti-itch cream, etc. Now? I’ve added a thermometer and oximeter to my kit. And heavier duty meds that you might take for a flu.
3. I’ve carried activated charcoal for years, especially with all of my Mexico travel, but it’s even more important in today’s times. I was told by my a holistic doctor years ago that charcoal can pull most toxins out of your body. It’s actually what’s given to patients in the ER who overdose. But it also works for food poisoning and other bugs you may incur. It’s an absolute must have in my travel medical kit.
4. Even if you’re not a fan of immune boosters, they really can’t hurt in today’s environment and may just help. True confession: I often skip taking my vitamins when I travel. It’s just one more thing to do. But I decided as part of my COVID-19 travel packing list to travel with Vitamins A, C, and D and also zinc. It’s easy to pop a supplement in the morning in hopes that it will give your immune system a little added boost.
5. I have a standing travel insurance policy with Allianz but it’s really important to check your coverage in light of the pandemic. Many insurance companies have modified their policies. For example, I was recently curious if my policy covered me in case I had to quarantine in another destination. It can be expensive to rack up another 10-14 days of accommodations. Under most policies, this is considered trip interruption insurance. But traveling before COVID is eradicated has given me the impetus to ensure that my insurance has heavy duty medical coverage and evacuation coverage.
6. Trust me on this one. Be sure to pack some hand lotion. You’ll find yourself washing your hands even more than you do at home as you encounter people and new surfaces. Your hands will thank you!
7. One of my new personal policies on traveling – at least for awhile – is to avoid public spaces as much as possible. Every time I can avoid a restaurant or gathering spot helps decrease my chances of getting sick. So I’m packing morning essentials that let me stay in my room rather than heading down to a coffee bar or restaurant. You’ll find the requisite Starbucks Via in my bag, along with a few breakfast bars (Luna for the record), and a couple of containers of instant oatmeal. Easy to pack and easy to prepare.
These are just my post-covid essentials but here’s a more basic list of what to keep in your travel medical kit.
A well-prepared travel medical kit can be invaluable in handling minor health issues and emergencies while traveling. Here’s a list of essential items to include in your travel medical kit:
- Basic First Aid Supplies:
- Adhesive bandages assorted sizes – especially for those blisters on your feet!
- Antiseptic wipes or solution for wound cleaning
- Tweezers and scissors
- Safety pins
- Medications:
- Pain relievers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil)
- Antihistamines for allergic reactions and insect bites
- Antidiarrheal medication (e.g., loperamide)
- Motion sickness medication (even if you’re not prone to it – trust me!)
- Antacids for indigestion or heartburn
- Topical Treatments:
- Hydrocortisone cream for itching and inflammation
- Antibiotic ointment or cream for minor cuts and scrapes
- Insect repellent
- Sunscreen
- Personal Care Items:
- Hand sanitizer or antibacterial hand wipes
- Disposable face masks (yes, I still pack at least one, because…you never know!)
- Medical Tools and Accessories:
- Thermometer
- Do I dare say a covid test? Yes, I still pack one.