
travel tips

  • Yeah, I travel a lot. A LOT! But what you don’t see in my cheeky posts is that I’m a very anxious traveler. I mean a full blown stress ball! I’m usually popping some anti-anxiety meds a few days before my trip because my stomach is literally in knots. And as an OCD trip planner, there are some things I do to try and eliminate any situations so I can enjoy stress-free travel, especially when …

  • True confession: an African safari was not on my bucket list. Not because I didn’t want to go, but the logistics of planning such a trip were dizzying for me. Long (and expensive) flights. Health and vaccination requirements. Logistics of getting around in a foreign country. Not knowing the African safari hunt cost. Not to mention finding someone to mind the pets for an extended period. But when my brother suggested this as a special …

  • True confession: I’m a diva when it comes to travel. I like full-service hotels, I like to have a very detailed itinerary (that’s why I created this site – to share my OCD planning tips), and when I fly overseas, overnight, I must have first class flights with a lay flat seat. Who the heck sleeps sitting up? But I’m also not a millionaire or lottery winner. So I guess that makes me a champagne flyer on …

  • Every time I’m headed off to a new destination overseas, I get a ton of questions from people, “Is it safe?”, “Aren’t you worried about terrorism?”, “Where do you find safe travel tips?”  “Do you have any safe travel tips for Mexico?” You won’t see me, willingly, traveling to Afghanistan anytime soon, and despite incidents which have appeared to target tourist areas of major European cities, my sense of wanderlust will not be stifled. My …

  • I bet that three years ago most of us were not even considering travel insurance. Then bang! Covid hit and everyone was asking the question, “Do I need travel insurance for 2024? or “How much travel medical insurance do i need?” Fortunately, during the height of the pandemic, most airlines and hotels allowed for cancellations. But as Covid rates slowed down, those cancellation policies ramped up again. So before we dive into the world of …

  • I’ll never forget arriving at a luxury hotel in Napa to celebrate our anniversary only to find that half the hotel was under construction and that the gym and spa were closed for renovations. It was a hotel booking nightmare. Fortunately, there was copious amounts of wine which filled time I would have spent working out or indulging in spa treatments. I’m pretty thorough when researching hotels, especially in unfamiliar destinations. So what are the …

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